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SentLTE-Digest Thursday, December 10 2015 Volume 15 : Number 035

001 LTE: Re: 'Marijuana should be legal throughout U. S.'
    From: Kirk Muse <>
002 LTE: Letter to the Editor
    From: Kirk Muse <>


Subj: 001 LTE: Re: 'Marijuana should be legal throughout U. S.'
From: Kirk Muse <>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2015 15:11:27 -0800

To the Editor of The Orange County Register:

Re: "Marijuana should be legal throughout U. S." (12-3-15).

Not only is pot not "more dangerous than alcohol" it is not dangerous at 
all for adults.
I strongly suggest the readers and Erwin Chemerinsky read Clint Werner's 
book: MARIJUANA: GATEWAY TO HEALTH: How Cannabis Protects Us From Cancer
and Alzheimer's Disease."

Kirk Muse
1741 S. Clearview Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85209
(480) 396-3399

Thank you for considering this letter for publication.
P. S. Please forward this to Mr. Chemerinsky.
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Subj: 002 LTE: Letter to the Editor
From: Kirk Muse <>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 15:28:23 -0800

To the Editor of The Freeport Journal-Standard:

I'm writing about your story: "Chicago area men accused of cannabis 
possession after hotel search"
(12-9-15). I wonder if your police department has solved all your 
robberies and rapes? If not why
are they wasting their time and resources making petty pot busts?

Why are the pot busts always in poor neighborhoods? Why don't they make 
pot bust in affluent
neighborhoods like Woodside Drive or homes that back onto the Freeport 
Country Club fairways?
Do the police think people who live in affluent neighborhoods don't use 
cannabis and buy their
cannabis from their neighbors?

The real reason is that if the police started busting affluent people 
for pot the war on drugs would
soon be over. People in affluent neighborhoods have power and influence. 
People in poor neighborhoods

Kirk Muse
1741 S. Clearview Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85209
(480) 396-3399

Thank you for considering this letter for publication.
PS: I am a former Freeport resident.

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End of SentLTE-Digest V15 #35

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