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SentLTE-Digest Friday, October 30 2015 Volume 15 : Number 031

001 LTE: Re: 'Legislature needs to restore funding' (10-22-15).
    From: Kirk Muse <>
002 LTE: Re: 'Reader is angry about the state budget, shortfalls' (10-27-15
    From: Kirk Muse <>
    From: Kirk Muse <>


Subj: 001 LTE: Re: 'Legislature needs to restore funding' (10-22-15).
From: Kirk Muse <>
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2015 19:34:42 -0700

To the Editor of The East Valley Tribune:

I am writing about the thoughtful letter from Joe Ryan: "Legislature 
needs to restore funding" (10-22-15).

If the state needs more funding we need to pass the Amendment to 
regulate, control and tax cannabis.
Colorado now receives more tax revenue from cannabis than it does from 

It seems to me that all Arizona adults should have the freedom of choice 
to use cannabis--not just
those who need it to treat disease. Cannabis not only relieves pain and 
suffering, but it also prevents
many diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's. Cannabis is one of the 
most powerful anti-inflammatory
substances on the planet, and chronic inflammation is the root cause of 
most diseases of the human

I strongly urge the readers to read: "THE POT BOOK: A Complete Guide to 
Cannabis: Its role in Medicine,
Politics, Science and Culture." It is edited by Julie Holland, MD.

Kirk Muse
1741 S. Clearview Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85209
(480) 396-3399

Thank you for considering this letter for publication.
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Subj: 002 LTE: Re: 'Reader is angry about the state budget, shortfalls' (10-27-15).
From: Kirk Muse <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 14:34:49 -0700

To the Editor of The Bristol Press:

I'm reading about: "Reader is angry about the state budget, shortfalls" 

If the state of Connecticut needs more money it should fully legalize, 
regulate and tax cannabis.
The state of Colorado now collects more tax revenue from cannabis than 
it does from alcohol.

It seems to me that all Connecticut adults should have the freedom of 
choice to use cannabis--not just
those who need it to treat disease. Cannabis not only relieves pain and 
suffering, but it also prevents
many diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's. Cannabis is one of the 
most powerful anti-inflammatory
substances on the planet, and chronic inflammation is the root cause of 
most diseases of the human

I strongly urge the readers to read: "THE POT BOOK: A Complete Guide to 
Cannabis: Its role in Medicine,
Politics, Science and Culture." It's edited by Julie Holland, MD.

Kirk Muse
1741 S. Clearview Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85209
(480) 396-3399

Thank you for considering this letter for publication.
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From: Kirk Muse <>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2015 17:21:33 -0700

To the Editor of The Inquirer:

The legalization of cannabis is about one issue: freedom of choice for 

The question on the ballot should be: should cannabis remain completely 
untaxed and controlled by criminal gangs and distributed by criminal 
gangs or regulated,
controlled  and taxed by the state of Ohio?

Speaking of taxes, the state of Colorado now receives more tax revenue 
from cannabis
than is does from alcohol.

Kirk Muse
1741 S. Clearview Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85209
(480) 396-3399

Thank you for considering this letter for publication.

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End of SentLTE-Digest V15 #31

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